Carlos B., Teacher
Unified Quantum Healing Workshop
Veronica O., Entrepreneur
Unified Quantum Healing Workshop

The workshop, Unified Quantum Healing, given by Susana Cor De Rosa, is the best workshop I ever attended, and I did a lot of other people’s workshops in the past. I spent a whole fortune in attending those other workshops.
Susana is a very good teacher, with so much energy and love that she spreads all around for all the participants.
Every participant of the workshop left with the idea that this workshop was only for him or her. Every participant had live-changing experiences.
Susana Cor de Rosa is a very intelligent and honest teacher, she gives a lot of information about Quantum Physics in a very simple and understandable way, and a lot of loving and caring exercises that heal every person attending the workshop, and so she contributes to heal the planet and beyond!
This workshop took place yesterday for me and I have the feeling that Susana saved my life in a very beautiful way. I am reborn again in a very happy and beautiful way. It was the first day of the best days in my life that will start now!
I will visit Susana Cor de Rosa next month in Portugal, the experience of the workshop and the information I received were so beautiful that I want to experience it again.
It was for me the most beautiful workshop you can ever imagine!
Thank you, thank you, thank you Susana, you are the best!
Ghislaine Timmermans
Unified Quantum Healing Workshop

The Unified Quantum Healing workshop was very useful, full of important and necessary information for my path and own energy growth.
Susana was very friendly and direct and made the workshop full of fun and positive vibes.
For me personally the most powerful part was one exercise where I finallly lost my fear that I was carrying everywhere and every minute with me for many years. This fear was blocking me, isolating me sometimes, and preventing to feeling joy and happiness in my life.
I could hardly imagine that one day I could feel free again; that it would be possible at all to get rid of my negative experience that resulted in my fear, that was following me like a shadow day and night.
An exercise we did together with Susana made this possible and today I am looking back at that difficult time with a smile.
Today I feel like a different person who got her happy life back, is feeling light and powerful again.
During this workshop you don’t get only very useful tips for your daily energy boost but you also release some of your troubles and that makes this workshop very valuable and worth its time and money.
Simone Kinska
Unified Quantum Healing Workshop

Susana gave me the tools I was looking forward to become confident enough to learn how to distinguish my blockages and anxieties from the real obstacles of everyday life.
That made me realize that in many cases I was holding myself back or preventing myself from acting or, on the contrary, I was taking a path that it was not for me to take.
The best thing is that confidence can change your life from the smallest experience (going to the mall) to the journey of your life.
Susana has given me the honor of being my friend for the past 15 years. Confidence was one of the many tools I learned from her which made me become a better person and have a better life.
Be confident enough to trust! It is a beautiful feeling…
Maria Crespo, Lawyer, wife and mother of two!
Maria Crespo
Lawyer, wife and mother of two!
I know that you will understand that there are no words to describe what the workshop in Cascais has meant to me.
I feel it as the perfect example of how a whole world can change in a blink, an instant.
I was so ready for this! I have been waiting my whole life for just someone to tell me that all I felt was ok.
That the way I see, perceive, live things is ok.
That I can fully and unconditionally thrust myself.
That everything I want is already there and I can take it whenever I need it.
We are less than a week after the workshop and the Aha-experience I felt and the new worlds that have been opened to me are already countless.
It is from the infinite deepness of my heart that
I THANK YOU ❣️❣️❣️
Unified Quantum Healing Workshop
I strongly recommend participating in Susana’s Workshop.
Not only do effects show during the WS weekend, but they are prolonged afterwards.
I have learned to see life with a positive attitude, to understand the strength of our thoughts, and how we have infinite possibilities to attain our objectives or even to cure our suffering.
At the WS, we learn profound meditation that relaxes and heals and allow us to connect to our origin. It is wonderful to have a weekend with Susana, as well as all other participants, full of positivism.
Susana Cudell
Unified Quantum Healing Workshop