Confidence is key to living a happy, successful, and meaningful life.
If you lack confidence in some way you are separated from your essence and losing opportunities to create the life you want and on your own terms.
If you are or have been in this place:
- You see yourself, see life and the world through dark lenses.
- You doubt your own skills or capacities, namely for a job, or a specific role in the family.
- You are fearful of the future and taking risks.
- You feel insecure/unsafe in your life and predominantly anxious.
- You fear communicating your own feelings.
- You have imposter syndrome.
- You are not allowing yourself to grow.
- You are not taking steps towards your goals, for example being a mother or changing home.
- You fear missing out.
- Instead of listening to your intuition you go to the same scheme of things and create troubles.
- You feel lonely and don’t invest in yourself.
- You distract yourself by not taking care of you.
- You are postponing your dreams.
- And so on…

Susana gave me the tools I was looking forward to become confident enough to learn how to distinguish my blockages and anxieties from the real obstacles of everyday life.
That made me realize that in many cases I was holding myself back or preventing myself from acting or, on the contrary, I was taking a path that it was not for me to take.
The best thing is that confidence can change your life from the smallest experience (going to the mall) to the journey of your life.
Susana has given me the honor of being my friend for the past 15 years. Confidence was one of the many tools I learned from her which made me become a better person and have a better life.
Be confident enough to trust! It is a beautiful feeling…
Ignite your confidence now and:
- Set yourself free from old conditioning and feel liberated.
- Trust yourself and receive trustworthiness from your peers and the world.
- Open up for the future and take the steps that will take you there.
- Self-regulate your energy and feel calmer and poised.
- Communicate your feelings, your truth and feel at ease.
- Overcome your imposter syndrome and feel even stronger.
- Embrace your zone of discomfort and your zone of genius!
- Learn to trust your intuition and move with grace.
- Create space for being seen and loved for who you are.
- Open space for new friendships and allies.
- Take deep care of yourself and invest in what really matters.
- Rise and manifest your dreams.
This pack is for you, commit yourself to see, feel and embrace the real, powerful, and confident YOU that you always wanted to be, by Igniting your Confidence.
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