Spark Your Own Star
4 month course
“Your life needs you; it has a purpose.
Do you want to embrace the numerous
and endless possibilities?”
Susana Cor de Rosa
“The Pathway to the Origin”
Spark Your Own Star
4 month course
“Your life needs you; it has a purpose.
Do you want to embrace the numerous
and endless possibilities?”
Susana Cor de Rosa
“The Pathway to the Origin”

Let’s face it:
How much energy, time, money, and nights without sleeping have you spent to find and live your purpose?
How many doubts, crossroads and feeling like “something was missing” have you experienced?
How many times have you been to classes, workshops, summits, systems and still you feel blocked and unfulfilled?
There is a story running the show, impeding you to fully live…
Wake up: Your life needs you and it’s sending you signs for you to evolve.

Spark Your Own Star is a 4-month of inner work, joy, and liberation where you open yourself, let go of the unfinished business hidden under the carpet; the gremlins who made you feel unsafe, unwanted, unimportant, and invisible for so many years sabotaging your life. Together we will join potentiality, forces, conjure a new alignment for you to follow your star. You will live a new story from a place of possibilities, have your wishes fulfilled, live purposefully and grow. Sparking your own Star!
Are you allowing yourself to thrive or did falling short become a habit?
Because allowing creates space for revelation and transformation, but old habits block you from accessing your power, your purpose and acting on behalf of your dreams.
Spark your own Star is a 4-month immersive course, where you have the energy, the space, focus and love to create powerful changes in any area of your life, having breakthroughs while following and becoming the Star of your life, shining brightly.
No matter where you are, where you are coming from, or what has happened to you. As soon as you connect, follow your Star and rewrite your story you are transforming your life and new doors will open. Synchronicities, allies, opportunities, and solutions become part of your ongoing experience and you can thrive.
Thriving for you could be:
- Living your passions.
- Connect and embrace your purpose.
- Writing your book?
- A new job, or a more meaningful career? Or even starting your own business?
- Feeling present and guided spiritually. Inspiring others in their journey?
- Finding your soulmate? Or feel more passion and joy in your current relationship?
- Feeling full of vitality and blessed in your own body?
- More prosperity, money, time, abundance.
- More friends, laughter, and true companionship.
- Simplicity, having a new day to live with gratitude.
You can be and have it all my friend!
This 4-month Course is made for you to have alignment, energy and sustainable transformation week after week and continue your journey as the leading star of your life. And once you continue moving on this work becomes easier every day, nourishing your energy, purpose, and life for good.
A one-year private mentoring to discover, explore and embody your Irresistible self. A life changing experience to elevate, empower and fulfill your highest potential and life’s purpose.

“I feel so excited, my life is full of love, optimism, and confidence for what lies ahead. My dreams are manifesting and I’m becoming the Star I was meant to be. I love this course, it is the most life changing course I´ve ever taken, and I can’t stop recommending it.”
This course is for you if:
- You’re tired of playing small.
- You feel disconnected, lost, without purpose and uninspired to move on.
- Your dreams are on hold waiting in the drawer.
- You’re living by the book, and you feel stuck and lacking meaning.
- You’re not living to your highest potential.
- You’re tired of feeling like you must “settle down” and stop wanting to change your life.
- You can’t stand “this might be all there is” mentality anymore.
- You don’t want a quick fix course you are committed to do the work.

You know it’s your time, now. You want real change in your life and Spark your own Star.
This is the way.
In order to have transformation you have to remove the invisible barriers, stop making excuses, avoiding or procrastinating your life. Facing your “stuckness”, getting out of it with compassion, finding a better way, and energy to rewrite a new destiny is for you. Now.
Maybe you are already sabotaging telling yourself:
- I have failed so much, why bother?
- If I stay here, I know what I can count on.
- I don’t believe it is possible for me to change and live my dreams on my own terms.
- I’m too busy, and I don’t have the time.
- I’m too old, I’m too young, I’m too much or too little, etc. to give myself this opportunity.
- I don’t know if I have the money, and even if I have it, I couldn’t invest so much in myself.
- What others are going to think and say, about me if they know I’m doing this…
How about start telling the truth to yourself:
- You haven’t failed a single day because you’re learning and growing.
- Don’t settle for less if you are not living with passion and your purpose.
- Choose to believe it is possible for you to have it all. One baby step after the other and you’ll become unstoppable.
- You’re not selfish or irresponsible because you give yourself time to take care of you, and to follow your star.
- You’re prepared for this opportunity. “When the student is ready the master appears”, as the old saying says.
- Money is not the power in your life. You are and have the power to create money. Beside your normal needs, invest in your dreams, your growth. YOU ARE WORTHY.
- Others will think what they want, it’s not your business. Your focus is on you and on Sparking your own Star.
Sparking your own Star is an energetic experience during 4 months, always online.
Each week and month you are going to liberate yourself, change your mindset and emotions, be guided, connect with your Star and live your purpose.
See how the course works:
4 months of online interaction, via ZOOM.
4 modules, 1 module per month. Every week new content within the module.
What you will live
Freedom to access the course wherever you are, anytime 24/7, from any device.
Schedule Program:
Month 1 – Dig and dream a new dream
Where are you and who have you been? This is our starting point. We will dig and explore your hidden treasures in key areas of your life, opening up for revelations. You will learn several processes to encounter yourself and feel strong, no matter if chaos or turbulence have been undermining your energy. Also you will clarify your lenses,see possibilities, find meaning, and notice the successes and signs life has been sending you. You will create a new cycle, and redirect your dream or find a new dream for your life.
Month 2 – Connect
Many of us are going through the motion of our lives on autopilot. We are doing hundreds of actions a day that are impacting the quality of our lives. To break those self-defeating patterns we want to develop esteem-able practices. Actions that fill our worthiness cup; that elevate us rather than deplete us. Here is where you learn new tools for uplifted living.
Month 3 – invest and integrate
Soon available
Month 4 – Thrive
Soon available
Join the Waiting List

During the course you will receive:
- 16 LIVE 90-minute workshops with Susana (24 hours together!) Value 6.000€
- 16 Meditations, 30 min each, more or less (8h together). Value 897€
- 3 Live Weekends, duration 12h: 6h Saturday and 6h Sunday (36h together).
Value 9.999€ - Pdfs or other material to support you.
- Community of like-minded people and soul sisters/brothers. Priceless
- Freedom to access the course wherever you are, anytime 24/7, from any device.
Plus, Bonus:
- Maintain access to all course materials for 1 year. Priceless
- Infinite force course—197€
And Let’s Celebrate your Breakthroughs.